Monday, January 12, 2015

Book #4 just arrived!!!

Hi All,

So I'm in the middle of translating Book 3, Chap 1, part 1. Man, the writing style is hard to understand. Meanwhile, I just received book #4 from Amazon an hour ago, so I thought I should update let you guys know, I'll be posting the Pic from it later tonight. Also, there is a bonus CD, which come with the book. Guess I'll post or upload a link on you tube in the new few days for the CD, if your all interested or not. I'll post whatever I'm done with Chap 1 part 1 or 2, when Sky finish the Epi, so no spoilers.......


  1. Just a heads up. Skywood translation is doing volumes 1-3. He is translating chinese to english. He does not do jap to english. So i would start on volume 4. I appreciate what your doing but in my experience most translators are...well they arnt happy when someone else just kinda takes over what they are doing. I would at least contact sky, there are only 3 chinese volumes so he def wouldnt mind you taking over from there

    1. heads is not doing volume 3. only volume 2. I believe the people who cooperated with is who planning to do volume 3 and he says about the animesuki forum to give the heads up. here the link

    2. If someone is doing Volume 3, great. I just saw someone posted translation for part 1 & 2 on Volum 3 chap 1.Guess I'll stop, and figure out who is doing what out there right now.
